Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
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We believe that God has a specific purpose every time we gather together, whether at church services or even here on our website. What do you think of when you hear the word “church? Stuffy: out-of-date, judgmental, and irrelevant? We are a church for people like you – people looking for answers and a purpose in life.


Statistics say that up to two-thirds of people looking for a church check out a church’s web site as a first step. If you are new to Southeast, or to our website, this website can give you information that may help you make your decision. If you like what you see, we hope you will take the opportunity to join us some weekend in the future.


You have noticed by our logo that Southeast is a FLOW for iMpacT community. We are very committed to experiencing God in new and life-giving ways. We exists to create an environment where people can:


- Connect through Fellowship. We want to get to know you.

- Mature through Learning. We learn more about Jesus and how to live victoriously

- Share God through Outreach. We share the love of Jesus and impact our community.

- Experience God through Worship. We praise God and thank Him for who He is.


It is our understanding that this faith journey is better travelled in a community rather than alone.

Southeast Seventh-Day
Adventist Church

16602 Tarkington Ave.
Cleveland OH 44128

Office: (216) 662-3080

Saturday Schedule
9:00 am Power Hour
10:00 am Sabbath School (Bible Study)
11:30 am Divine Worship Service

Church Website Login
This is the STAFF LOGIN area. If you have no website account, click the Pencil Icon link above to create one. Then, confirm your account through email. One of our admins will then confirm who you are and approve the account.