Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
Event Registration
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With the new recemmendations from the Centers of Disease Control and the Ohio Department of Health, we want to clarify specifically what that means for us at Southeast.

  • Will will provide seating up to 100% seating capacity in the sanctuary. No social distancing required. 
  • No pre-registration required.
  • Health screening is required
  • Mask mask mandate is required. 

We are all in this together, and we have maintained a high level of safety by following the guidelines that have been recommened to us throughout the past yeart. Let's continue to return to in-person worship and other church activities in a thoughful and loving manner.


Please note that if you or any members of your family have symptoms, such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat; or if you have high-risk medical conditions, we kindly request that you do not attend the service.

Southeast Seventh-Day
Adventist Church

16602 Tarkington Ave.
Cleveland OH 44128

Office: (216) 662-3080

Saturday Schedule
9:00 am Power Hour
10:00 am Sabbath School (Bible Study)
11:30 am Divine Worship Service

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