Announcements at a Glance

What’s Happening At Church This Week?



Build A Burger Bash!
An assortment of condiments and fixins’ to “Build Your Burger!” plus drinks will be provided.  6:00 pm at Southeast Fellowship Hall. Another Mingle Moment.



I would like to thank every person and department who helped with our holiday Adopt-a-Child program as well as the City Mission program. The church has been faithful when it comes to outreach and I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for all that you do!  A special thanks to the Community Service department, Women’s Ministry, and Men’s Ministry for partnering with us in this endeavor, and also to our Pathfinders for partnering with us for the sick-and-shut-in card shower. More about these service projects will be featured in an upcoming Southeast Spotlight. Thank you so much!
-Veronica Felix, Leader


Personal Ministries Department
We are continuing to collect personal hygiene items for those in need for our Witnessing Sabbath next month. Items needed include toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable washcloths, deodorant, body wash, etc. Please place them in the personal ministries box when you arrive on any Sabbath, or give directly to Veronica Felix. You may also give a donation if you are unable to personally shop for these items.