Music Ministry


The purpose of the Music ministry is to create an atmosphere of worship through song that ushers in the presence of the Almighty God. We seek forth to encourage and incite an active and participatory worship service that will draw hearts and minds towards Christ. It is our goal to elevate and enhance the worship service by giving Glory to God in the highest and to prepare the people to receive and obey the Word of God.



The primary mission of the Music Ministry’s is to unite all in lifting the name of Jesus High. It is our duty to aid in setting a spiritual pace and tone for the worship service by offering diverse music selection that bridges the gap of all generations by encompassing all facets of Christian praise and worship. It is our mission to align our ministry to the Word of God and the overall mission and vision of the church through the delivery of; Christ-centered music that shares the love of Christ to those who are in need of him; Spirit led worship that has the power to shift the atmosphere; Anointed music that edifies, inspires, and challenges the body of Christ to have a deeper relationship with God; Intelligent music that quickens the consciousness of the people to seek after righteousness; Music that soothes the soul and open up the hearts and minds of the people to focus on the matchless power and awesomeness of God.




Come and Engage with us as we Equip and Empower you every Sabbath at12:00 noon as the Praise & Worship Team leads out in worship.


Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Praise the Lord with the harp; Make music to him on the ten string lyre. Sing to him a new song; Play skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all he does. Psalms 33:1-4

Drama Ministry

The use of Christian Drama is a very effective medium to help people understand the message of the Gospel  and respond to it. The Bible is God’s script for mankind and Christian drama that is Scripture based reaches the heart with an anointing to bring salvation, healing and revelation.




A mirage is an optical illusion created by the bending of reflected rays of light. A mirage is a visual phenomenon that creates an illusion of something that is real. Mirage Productions is a drama ministry that reflects the truth of God’s Word through skits, sketches, illustrative sermons, and full length feature plays. This Christian drama group ministers through thought‐provoking drama bringing light to Biblical and moral topics for people of all ages. Dramas are original and unique to Mirage Productions, with all pieces written by its director, Janviere Lavender.



Mirage is open to youth and adults of all ages, but its in‐reach ministry focuses on youth ages 12 to 18. Members  can opt to participate in weekly rehearsals and drama workshops or they may lend their talents for special events, such as full‐length feature plays. No experience is needed to be a member of Mirage Productions  ministry. All members should come with an open and willing heart.



Mirage Productions uses a variety of dramatic presentations, all written for a specific audience. Acting, singing,  dance, mime, preaching are all incorporated into most full‐feature plays and sketches. Monologues, human videos, skits, sketches, interpretive dance, and full feature dramatic productions are our modes or presentation.



Mirage talents are used to minister at various types of events. Audiences vary from teen youth groups, church congregations, or young children. Some examples include:

  •  Divine Worship illustrated biblical themes
  •  Biblical Holidays (Christmas and Easter plays)
  • Children’s Story Hour (Sabbath 11:00 dramatizations
  • Adventist Youth Society (Sabbath youth service)
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Workshops & Drama Ministry Training
  • Conferences, Retreats, Outreach & Evangelism
  • Special Requests (weddings, memorial services, etc.)

For additional information Mirage Productions contact Janviere Lavender