The Men’s Ministry engages the men of the church in spiritual activities geared towards the community as well as the improvement of the lives of the members. It is hoped that this…Read More

Women’s Ministries encourages women to improve their potential and participation in the mission of the church. It provides a support system for hurting women, and a forum to help a…Read More

We seek to meet the spiritual, physical and social needs of our retired and senior adults. The core values of the Sensational Seniors Ministry can be summed up as follows: F…Read More

The guiding principle of the Bible directs that Christians nurture the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs of individuals, couples, and families, and fami…Read More

Join one of our Adult Sabbath School Bible study groups. Each week small groups get together to share what they’ve learned from the bible lesson and how it has made a difference in…Read More