The Southeast Spotlight Blog

MLK National Day of Service
On Monday, January 20, 2025, many Americans will celebrate the 30thanniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr., holiday as a National Day of Service. Every year since it was named a National Day of Service, the day has grown in popularity as a time set aside to remember the struggles of humanity, and to honor the memories of those who fought for freedom. This day also represents a chance to learn, serve, and show love to our brothers and sisters.
This year is very different than past years. The holiday is sharing space with another major event that will hold the attention of many Americans. Half of America will celebrate what they believe to be a new beginning. The other half of America will be solemn and even somewhat fearful of the future. They will view the event as another dark turn in our nation’s history. Regardless of how you feel about Monday, January 20, 2025, the fact remains. America is changing.
The world is changing. Global situations are occurring that are horrific and traumatic. Wars, racial hatred, poverty, hunger, wildfires bringing total destruction. Yes, these things have always existed and will continue to exist until our Savior returns. Yet, we do not have to remain powerless on the sidelines. There are many things we can do to positively impact many situations.
I will keep this short and sweet. Here are some easy ways to participate in the day of service. Number one is PRAYER. The most powerful tool in our arsenal of weapons is PRAYER!! James 5:16 says, “The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
You can off the T.V. Just sit quietly and enjoy the silence, sip tea, drink water, listen to music, relax, rest, and honor your temple (body) hold a conversation, call a friend, visit a neighbor, bring out your checkbook and donate—but whatever you decide to do this year—be intentional.
My social services and political mindset are leading me to be active. So, on Monday, I will intentionally honor the memory of Dr. King and his service by serving and learning other ways to serve. In helping our brothers and sisters, we honor God.
I appreciate your time and attention. I researched just some of the many ways to serve on January 20. I prayed about it and included information on helping our brothers and sisters in California.
On Monday, January 20, 2025, let us all be intentional in some way, serve others, and honor God.
Thank you and Be Blessed,
Cecily Bryant,
Spotlight Editor