Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
Killed by the Call
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pastor hood strange tears seriesSenior Pastor Stan Hood continued the January sermon series, “Strange Tears,” with the message, “Killed by the Call.” Taken from the book of Jeremiah, Pastor Hood illustrated the significance of surrendering your all to the anointed calling on your life.


The story of the weeping prophet is well known. Jeremiah had a calling on his life, but he didn’t want to be a prophet. He wanted a wife, children and a home. He didn’t like the calling or want it, but “he has a call to holiness that others can’t feel and he has a burden that others cannot see, stated Pastor Hood.”


The prophet questions God in Jeremiah 12:1-4, not understanding why the treacherous prosper. In Jeremiah 12:5, God responds to the prophet’s complaint: “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?” In short, God is saying, “If you can’t handle the small things, how can I trust you with the bigger things?”


Pastor Hood explained that the one thing that impeded Jeremiah and the church today is covetousness. Covetousness can impede or limit our full surrender to the call. God says, “don’t’ look at other people’s calling /anointing. Get rid of the jealousy. Learn to be content. According to I Tim. 6:6, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”


“So many people are underachieving in life, because you’d rather be comfortable than extraordinary. You’d rather fit in—than to be called out. God did not choose any of us just to fit in. The call, the anointing on your life keeps reminding you that you are not supposed to play it safe. In order for God’s will to be done in your life, you’ve got to die to it, you’ve got to surrender to it,” stated Pastor Hood.


Pastor Hood pointed to examples of great leaders such as John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Robert F. Kennedy, who answered the call. They were killed. Many are reluctant to answer the call because they are afraid of the cost, but your God has declared the end from the beginning: “If you give me your life now, I’ll give you everlasting life then.”

The truth is, whatever your call is, it will kill you no matter what. All that’s left to see, is how you’re going to run this race. It will kill you if you don’t do it and it will kill you if you do it, but here is all you need to focus on, “I shall wear a crown someday.”


“Are you becoming what God called you to be?”


--Cecily Bryant, Communication Leader

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16602 Tarkington Ave.
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